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Our focus is doing all we can to help our clients achieve their mission and objectives.

Training Services
Our commitment to quality, high standards, and results-driven capability improvement distinguish us from other training organizations. Our aim is not to “check the box,” but to build useful skills for our customer’s mission. HSSI developed hundreds of instructor-led and web-based courses; spanning a wide range of law enforcement, emergency response, security, and other topics for thousands of students. We received numerous awards for the quality of our curriculum and training delivery.
Training Solutions
Instructional Systems Design (ISD) · Curriculum Development and Revision · Courseware Conversion · Rapid Content Development · Job Aids Consulting and Needs Analysis · Job Task Analysis · Cost-Benefit Analysis Learning Management System (LMS) Support |
Training Delivery Methods · Instructor-led Training (ILT) · Web-based Training (WBT) · Blended Learning · Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) · Mobile Learning · Web Hosting
Training Records Management
Training Methodologies
The HSSI resident and Mobile Training Team (MTT) instructors are selected for their exceptional teaching skills and in-depth knowledge. Our training process includes:
Collaboration with Agencies and Organizations. HSSI coordinates and collaborates with Federal, State, and local agencies to help the customer determine the scope and nature of their training requirements. We collaborate with various agencies such as the DHS, FEMA, DoD, DoT, FBI and organizations such as, International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and International Association of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST) through seminars, conferences, and other forums to gather the most up to date information pertaining to our client’s needs.
Rigorous Instructor Qualifications. All instructors undergo a rigorous screening and certification program. Each instructor is vetted for his technical experience, instructional delivery techniques, security screening, physical fitness, and relevant professional certifications. All instructors are required to attend initial training and indoctrination and regular in-service training that includes evaluation of instructional delivery to maintain their qualifications to teach a given program of instruction.
Standardized Delivery Methods. Although delivery methods may vary depending on the learning objective and technical nature of the lesson material, the HSSI instructors follow a standardized approach to deliver meaningful and memorable academic instruction, retention of learned tasks through practical application, and incorporation of the learned information and skills into integrated exercises. Assessment of student retention and performance and evaluation of the training methodology will occur throughout the training continuum.
Role Players. HSSI provides role players for Anti-terrorism exercises, active shooter training, and job-specific scenario training to provide realism and to evaluate student performance. Our role players employ scripts, role cards, and Mission Scenario Events Lists (MSEL) to guide role player activities. Our role players serve as opposition forces, response cells, friendly forces, or other personages to support a given exercise scenario.
Training Aides and Devices. During the development of a given period of instruction (POI), we identify appropriate devices or simulators that replicate the equipment used on the job to make the training realistic and relevant.